Message from the President
I would like to welcome our new members and the 2021-2023 executive and committee members. I would also like to say thank you to everyone who made the 2021 NCACCFO conference in Asheville such a success.
Every year the North Carolina Association of Community College Facility Operations (NCACCFO) awards a college from each district a $1,000 Student Scholarship. The 2021 Community College recipients are District 1 Southwestern, District 11 Montgomery, and District 111 Lenoir. Congratulations to our NCACCFO College Scholarship award winners.
As we continue to leave the pandemic restrictions in our wake, the executive team and NCACCFO committee members will focus on updating the organization’s documents and website. Plans and preparation for the 2022 fall conference in Carolina Beach are underway. I encourage you to join us and bring a colleague for valuable networking and education opportunities.
NCACCFO is our organization created to be a resource for community college facility operations personnel. NCACCFO serves and assists by being a conduit for members to learn, share information, experience, advice and knowledge with their colleagues. The viability of the organization needs professional members, such as yourself to participate. Share your knowledge and experiences by joining a committee and making a difference.
We need your input to provide quality professional development and networking opportunities that embraces a commitment to strive for the best physical facilities possible, that serves the needs of the institution’s educational programs, support services, and other mission-related activities. Please send your suggestions, informational requests, and input to [email protected].
Let us all look forward to a collaborative year and the 2022 conference.
See you there,
Steve Sparks
NCACCFO President